Marylouise R.
An IQP is often called life-changing by WPI students, requiring teams to delve into a problem that matters to real people.
Junior, BS in Biomedical Engineering; Concentration in Tissue Engineering


Marylouise and her two teammates worked with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) to assess the current emergency power capacities and vulnerabilities at Massachusetts wastewater facilities. By combining and analyzing available data, the team was able to help their sponsor determine useful resources for facility managers in the event of a power outage, target where improvements could be made, and set the stage for future WPI projects to build upon their findings.


Her team presented its findings to the commissioner of MassDEP and other high-ranking employees, and although she was nervous at first, Marylouise was struck by their gratitude for the team’s work. The fact that they made a tangible impact on the future of MassDEP is something she’s proud of, and is certain will stick with her.

Over the course of her IQP experience, she learned not only how to work well in a team, but to better manage her time, be a more effective leader, and increase her confidence, all of which she says have better prepared her for life after graduation.

Preview Marylouise headshot
Franklin, ME
Project Sponsor
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
  • Working better in groups, increased confidence, improved leadership skills—all vital to my future success.
  • Sister of Alpha Gamma Delta which gave me a second family and the opportunity to be more active in campus and community service activities.
  • Working in a research lab on projects relating to the regeneration of vital tissues and organs in the body.
Franklin, ME
  • Working better in groups, increased confidence, improved leadership skills—all vital to my future success.
  • Sister of Alpha Gamma Delta which gave me a second family and the opportunity to be more active in campus and community service activities.

Typical workweek schedule

Timeline Entry
5:30 AM

Wake up and get ready for the day.

Start Expanded
7:30 AM

Carpool to Union Station with members from another team.

8:00 AM

Board the train to Boston.

9:15 AM

Arrive at out sponsor's office and review what needs to be done for the day.

12:00 PM

Break for lunch and spend some time exploring the city.

Typical workweek schedule

Timeline Entry
7:30 AM

Wake up and get ready for the day.

9:15 AM

Meet with the rest of the group to carpool to the Worcester Project Center.

9:30 AM

Write out a "to-do" list before starting on the day's activities and working on our individual sections of the IQP report.

12:00 PM

Break for lunch.

Start Expanded
1:15 PM

Continue working on our paper, or meet with our advisor if we have any questions.

Participating in a waste water filtration plant tour as part of the project field work

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Project-based learning has made me more confident and comfortable in group work. I believe that I can work better in a group now than I would have if not for WPI academics. Beginning Quote Icon of beginning quote